toc Sensing Tutorials & Examples > Shields > Sensing


This example can be used on the Pysense and Pysense 2.0 X

The Pysense has a variety of sensors available:

  • Accelerometer
  • Light sensor
  • Temperature / Humidity sensor
  • Pressure / Altitude sensor

The examples covered on this page:

Using all sensors

import time
import pycom
import machine

from LIS2HH12 import LIS2HH12
from SI7006A20 import SI7006A20
from LTR329ALS01 import LTR329ALS01
from MPL3115A2 import MPL3115A2,ALTITUDE,PRESSURE

pycom.rgbled(0x0A0A08) # white

py = Pycoproc()

alt = MPL3115A2(py,mode=ALTITUDE) # Returns height in meters. Mode may also be set to PRESSURE, returning a value in Pascals
print("MPL3115A2 temperature: " + str(alt.temperature()))
print("Altitude: " + str(alt.altitude()))
pres = MPL3115A2(py,mode=PRESSURE) # Returns pressure in Pa. Mode may also be set to ALTITUDE, returning a value in meters
print("Pressure: " + str(press.pressure()))
# send to pybytes

dht = SI7006A20(py)
print("Temperature: " + str(dht.temperature())+ " deg C and Relative Humidity: " + str(dht.humidity()) + " %RH")
print("Dew point: "+ str(dht.dew_point()) + " deg C")
#change to your ambient temperature
t_ambient = 24.4
print("Humidity Ambient for " + str(t_ambient) + " deg C is " + str(dht.humid_ambient(t_ambient)) + "%RH")

li = LTR329ALS01(py)
print("Light (channel Blue lux, channel Red lux): " + str(li.light()))

acc = LIS2HH12(py)
print("Acceleration: " + str(acc.acceleration()))
print("Roll: " + str(acc.roll()))
print("Pitch: " + str(acc.pitch()))

print("Battery voltage: " + str(py.read_battery_voltage()))

Sensor data to Pybytes

Pybytes is an online IoT platform, where you can receive data from your sensors and visualize it over time. To forward generated sensor data to Pybytes, you’ll first have to provision your device to Pybytes, and have it activated on boot. Then, you can use the following example to send the light sensor data to Pybytes:

import time
import pycom
import machine

from LTR329ALS01 import LTR329ALS01
sleeptime = 60*1000 # 1 minute

pycom.rgbled(0x0A0A08) # white

py = Pycoproc()

li = LTR329ALS01(py)
light = li.light();
print("Light (channel Blue lux, channel Red lux): " + str(light))
pybytes.send_signal(0, light[0]) # channel Blue
pybytes.send_signal(1, light[1]) # channel Red
time.sleep(2) # we need to sleep to make sure the signal gets sent



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