toc Shields
Firmware & API Reference > Pycom Modules > Shields


The API pages in this section explain the additional functionality offered by the following shields:

  • Pysense
  • Pysense 2.0 X
  • Pytrack
  • Pytrack 2.0 X
  • Pyscan

Note that this functionality is not built into the firmware, and you will need to download additional libraries from our Github libraries repository.

The API pages are separated per sensor:

Next to that, you will need either one of the supporting files needed to operate the shield:

  • Pycoproc - used on the first version of the Shields
  • Pycoproc2 - used on the second version of the Shields

Uploading the Libraries to a Device

Place the applicable Python files for your shield into the /lib folder of your project. Do not forget to press upload project to device in Pymakr to make sure you are able to use them.

Importing and using the libraries

Once the libraries are uploaded to the device, they can be used/imported as a typical MicroPython library would be. For example, importing and using the light sensor on the Pysense:

from pycoproc import Pycoproc
from LTR329ALS01 import LTR329ALS01

py = Pycoproc()
lt = LTR329ALS01(py)



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