Firmware & API Reference > Pycom Modules > network > Bluetooth > Pymesh BLE

Pymesh BLE

The Pymesh BLE library provides support for connecting to a BLE Mesh Network with various Server and Client models.

For examples, please check the section Pymesh BLE Examples.

Pymesh BLE features:

  • Supported Models:
  • Configuration Server Model (automatically generated together with primary Element)
  • Generic OnOff Server Model
  • Generic OnOff Client Model
  • Generic Level Server Model
  • Generic Level Client Model
  • Sensor Server Model
  • Sensor Client Model
  • Supported OOB authentication types:
  • No OOB
  • Output OOB
  • Supported Node Features:
  • GATT Proxy
  • Relay
  • Only one Element (primary) can be added to the Node.
  • Node cannot be configured as Provisioner and a mobile application should be used for Provisioning process
  • nRF Mesh (iOS and Android)
  • Silicon Labs Bluetoth Mesh (iOS)
  • ST BLE Mesh (Android)
  • EspBLEMesh (Android)

Methods of BLE_Mesh class

BLE_Mesh.init(name="PYCOM-ESP-BLE-MESH”, *, auth=0, callback=None)

Initializes the BLE Mesh module with the pre-configured Elements and Models.

  • name is the name which will be used to identify the device during Provisioning
  • auth is the Out-Of-Band (OOB) method. Currently BLE_Mesh.OOB_OUTPUT is supported. Without specifying this argument, NO_OOB will be used during provisioning.
  • callback is the callback to be registered. It must have the following arguments:
    • event returns current event of provisioning.
    • oob_pass returns the generated pass in case of BLE_Mesh.OOB_OUTPUT.

BLE_Mesh.set_node_prov(bearer=BLE_Mesh.PROV_NONE, *)

Enable provisioning bearers to get the device ready for provisioning. If OOB is enabled, the callback is used to inform the user about OOB information.

  • bearer is the transport data protocol between endpoints, can be BLE_Mesh.PROV_ADV and/or BLE_Mesh.PROV_GATT.


Resets the Node Provisioning information.

BLE_Mesh.create_element(*, primary, feature=0, beacon=true, ttl=7)

This API creates a new BLE_Mesh_Element object. The BLE_Mesh_Element on concept level is equivalent to the Element in the BLE Mesh terminology.

  • primary shows whether this new Element will act as the Primary Element of the Node. When a Primary Element is created, the corresponding Configuration Server Model is also automatically created. There can only be 1 Primary Element per Node.
  • feature shows what features to enable on the new Element. It is an ORED combination of BLE_Mesh.RELAY, BLE_Mesh.LOW_POWER, BLE_Mesh.GATT_PROXY, BLE_Mesh.FRIEND
  • ttl is the default Time To Live value of the packets belonging to the new Element

Methods of BLE_Mesh_Element object

BLE_Mesh_Element.add_model(type=BLE_Mesh.GEN_ONOFF, server_client=BLE_Mesh.SERVER, *, callback=None, value=None, sen_min=-100, sen_max=100, sen_res=0.1)

This API creates a new BLE_Mesh_Model object. The BLE_Mesh_Model on concept level is equivalent to the Model in the BLE Mesh terminology.

  • type is the type of the new Model.
  • server_client shows whether the new Model will act as a Server or Client.
  • callback is the user defined callback to call when any event happens on the Model. It accepts 3 parameters: new_state, event, op_code. The new_state is the corresponding state of BLE_Mesh_Model, the event and the op_code are belonging of the BLE Mesh packet received.
  • value is the initial value represented by the Model.
  • sen_min is the minimum value of Sensor State in case of Sensor Model.
  • sen_max is the maximum value of Sensor State in case of Sensor Model.
  • sen_res is the resolution of Sensor State in case of Sensor Model.

Methods of BLE_Mesh_Model object

BLE_Mesh_Model.get_state(addr=BLE_Mesh.ADDR_ALL_NODES, app_idx=0, state_type=None)

Gets the State of the Sensor Model. If called from Server Model, returnes with State, in case of Client Model, it sends a Get Message, and returns State through the registered callback.

  • addr is the address of the remote Node to send the update message.
  • app_idx is the index of one of the registered Application IDs to use when sending out the message.
  • state_type is the type of Get State.

BLE_Mesh_Model.set_state(state, addr=BLE_Mesh.ADDR_ALL_NODES, app_idx=0, state_type=None)

Sets the State of the Sensor Model. If called from Server Model, sets State directly, in case of Client Model, it sends a Set Message, and updates State.

  • state is the new value to update the current value with.
  • addr is the address of the remote Node to send the update message.
  • app_idx is the index of one of the registered Application IDs to use when sending out the message.
  • state_type is the type of Set State.

BLE_Mesh_Model.status_state(addr=BLE_Mesh.ADDR_ALL_NODES, app_idx=0, state_type=None)

Calling this function only makes sense when the BLE_Mesh_Model is a Server Model. It sends a Status message with the State to the Client Model(s).

  • addr is the address of the remote Node to send the update message.
  • app_idx is the index of one of the registered Application IDs to use when sending out the message.
  • state_type is the type of Status State.


  • Advertisement options: BLE_Mesh.PROV_ADV, BLE_Mesh.PROV_GATT, BLE_Mesh.PROV_NONE
  • Features of an Element: BLE_Mesh.RELAY, BLE_Mesh.LOW_POWER, BLE_Mesh.GATT_PROXY, BLE_Mesh.FRIEND
  • Authentication options: BLE_Mesh.OOB_INPUT, BLE_Mesh.OOB_OUTPUT
  • Constants for Node addresses: BLE_Mesh.ADDR_ALL_NODES, BLE_Mesh.ADDR_PUBLISH
  • Constants for Model - type: BLE_Mesh.GEN_ONOFF, BLE_Mesh.GEN_LEVEL, BLE_Mesh.GEN_SENSOR, BLE_Mesh.GEN_SENSOR_SETUP
  • Constants for Model - server or client: BLE_Mesh.SERVER, BLE_Mesh.CLIENT